The market dropped about 5 percent today.  With the economic failures in Greece and Italy and now most of Europe, the global economy is even more unstable than the US economy, whose credit rating is lower than AAA for the first time since 1941.  So many people think that they can protect themselves against the market by trying to time it or by investing in gold or by keeping their money in cash.  I have heard the jokes about 401 k’s turning into 201 k’s after a market dip and the sob stories of people who were forced back into the work force after years of retirement because thier fixed income is no longer as fixed as they need it to be.

While we may not be able to protect ourselves from a diving economy or an unstable market, we are able to protect our families from the unnecessary stress, cost and inconvenience of probate and the possible 55 percent estate tax liability coming in 2013.  However, while we have no control over the market, we spend large portions of our day worrying about it and while we have total control over our estate planning, over 70 percent of Americans still don’t have a Trust and over half of all Americans don’t even have a Will.

The lack of a comprehensive estate plan will do a lot more harm to your family than an ill advised investment.  Make an appointment to have your estate plan drafted today because there is no excuse for being unprepared.

For more information on successful Florida estate planning and probate, please contact the South Florida law firm of Wild Felice & Pardo, P.A. at 954-944-2855 or via email at to schedule your free consultation.

It’s a Wild world. Are you protected?