Moving Forward for Small Businesses

Posted by on Jun 23, 2020 in Legal News |

The impact of Coronavirus on small businesses has been devastating. While the Small Business Administration gave out loans to help small business owners make it through, many are still struggling or were unable to secure the loan before the money ran out. 

There’s no doubting that small businesses are truly a cornerstone of the American economy. Businesses with less than five-hundred employees account for nearly half of the American workforce and over 43% of the U.S. GDP (Gross Domestic Product). 

One of the main reasons for the struggle is the uncertainly. How long will this last? Will there be a second wave? A second CARES Act? There are a few things to note if you’re a small business looking to keep moving forward. As things open up, keep the following in mind: 

Contingency Plans 

If you haven’t already, make detailed contingency plans in the event of a second wave. Making plans helps people achieve goals, and writing those concrete plans down increases your chance of success. When creating a contingency plan, make sure that you look ahead—what will you do if things are worse in twenty days? Better? This forward-thinking will help in the long run. You won’t feel blindsided. 

Apply for CARES Act Loans if You Haven’t Already 

Currently, this is the link for more information for businesses and lenders: There is an application that you must fill out, and you will likely have to wait in line. The SBA is swamped, and lending $349 billion is as difficult as it sounds. The money goes through the banks, which then lend the loans directly to local businesses. 

Be Prepared to Wait

Be prepared to wait in line. This means including, in your contingency plans, things that you should do to preserve what you can while you’re waiting for your loan. Help your employees contact the government about their loans (unemployment has been increased), and continuously check in with them. Though the idea of waiting might seem daunting, it is important that you don’t let that discourage you from getting in line for the CARES loans.

Your Customers’ Needs Have Changed 

People are soon going to be able to leave the house. Your business needs to change with customers’ changing needs. Comply with the current regulations, whether that means increasing your drive-through or takeout or taking other, similar measures. Do what you can, and reach out to your customers to see how you can keep your connection to them going. 

Consider Other Sources of Relief

Organizations and companies like Verizon, Amazon, Facebook, and the James Beard Foundation are all examples of the private sector stepping up. These relief programs all have their own specifics, but some of them may be able to help you. Above all, keep abreast of the latest developments in the news regarding relief programs, whether privately- or publicly-funded. You don’t want to be the last to know. 

Business Succession Plan 

Lastly, one thing to think about is making sure you have an iron-clad business succession plan in place if something happens to you. We’re not out of the woods yet. Make sure you have a written estate plan that details what you want to happen to your business if you die. Contact an estate planning attorney to make sure it is done correctly.

Everyone is struggling during the Coronavirus, so you are not alone. The constant uncertainty about the virus and the disagreements on how to handle it can be overwhelming. Set out to accomplish one small thing per day. Overloading yourself will only make the feeling of being overwhelmed worse. Hopefully, things will get back to normal soon. 

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Protecting Your Dad on Father’s Day

Posted by on Jun 16, 2020 in Legal News |

Father’s Day is coming up in a few weeks, and we all have different things that we love about our dads. Dads might be the protectors of the family, but they might need protection themselves, as they get older. Helping your father with his estate plan is a long-lasting gift that will give him (and you) peace of mind. Here are some ways that kids can help their parents by setting up an estate planning meeting with an attorney. 


As people get older, their health tends to become a little more precarious. Even someone in great shape one day can have a change the next. When it comes to healthcare, there are some major tools in the estate planning toolkit. Namely, you can set up a healthcare directive.

A healthcare directive is a document that lays out your father’s health wishes, whether these include a DNR order, special diet instructions (such as religious restrictions), or other important beliefs. If your father is too incapacitated to verbalize these decisions to the doctors and nurses taking care of him, the healthcare directive will do it for him. 


A power of attorney is a trusted individual that your dad picks to handle his financial, legal, and/or medical affairs in the even that he isn’t able to make those decisions for himself. There can be more than one power of attorney, and each power of attorney can be limited in scope. 

A general scope POA handles all of the decisions that your dad needs made. A special POA is restricted to just a certain decision-making field, whether it’s healthcare decisions or finances. Your father will pick the power of attorney, and the idea is to pick someone who is stable and level-headed. A power of attorney isn’t forever—it isn’t permanently taking power away. It comes into effect when in the event that your dad needs help when he’s older.

Updating Wills and Estate Plans

The rule of thumb states that you should update and/or review your will and estate plan every three to five years. However, if you experience a major life event, such as new people in the family, divorces, health scares, etc., you should update it earlier to reflect those changes. 

Updating an estate plan can take a long time, especially if there are a lot of documents in the plan. It can take even longer to create a new estate plan from scratch, if your father doesn’t have one in place. Though it takes a lot of time and effort, your dad is worth it. 

Setting Up a Trust

If your father knows he wants to transfer a specific piece of property/money to someone and has been talking about it forever (but hasn’t done it yet), helping him set up a trust is a great idea. A trust is a three-party relationship. Your father is the donor. He transfers title to the property to the trustee. The trustee then transfers the property to the beneficiary, which is the person that your father intended to get the property all along. The trustee keeps the property in his possession until instructed to transfer it—usually, the transfer goes through upon death.

Business Succession 

If your dad owns his own business, making sure that there are business succession plans in the works will keep his company safe after he retires or passes on. Perhaps he wants his company liquidated and the proceeds distributed, or maybe he wants his company to merge with another. Putting in place a concrete plan for what will happen to the business will be hugely beneficial to your father’s financial stability.

Setting up your father’s power of attorney is just one of many ways that the law can help him as he gets older. Estate planning is a way to ensure long-term safety and financial stability of your dad.

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Reflection Time is Over, Now is the Time for Action 

Posted by on Jun 9, 2020 in Legal News |

2020 has certainly sent us all for a loop. We’ve had months to reflect on our lives and the joys (or lack thereof) of working from home. It’s been a hard few months, but it appears to be coming to a close. Now that quarantine is over and we’re allowed to leave the house, it’s time to check off items on the to-do list that you may have been putting off. Namely, it’s time to review and update your estate plan. 

This article will discuss things to think about when checking over and updating your estate plan. 

I. Updating Your Will

There are several ways you can go about updating your will, and this section will touch on just a few of them, including: codicils, new wills, and personal property memorandums. 

Codicil v. New Will 

If you’ve never heard the term “codicil” before, you’re not alone. It’s a legal term, used to describe a minor change to your will. The codicil is a secondary document that you attach to your original will. On the codicil document, you can include changes to existing items in your will. An addendum, by contrast, is something that adds a new element to your will. It is also a secondary document. 

However, if you want to make big changes to your will, you might want to simply revoke your old will and make a new one. For example, a change of beneficiary is a big deal, so revoking your old will and creating a new will might be the safest choice. Be sure to follow the letter of the law down to a T, or else your old, inaccurate will might be honored. 

Personal Property Memorandum 

A personal property memorandum (PPM) is another type of update to your will. A PPM is a separate secondary document, the same as a codicil. You attach it to your will. In the PPM, you list an accounting of all of your personal property. A PPM doesn’t usually have to be signed or witnessed, but you have to refer to it in your will in order for a court to find it valid. Trusts are often a better way to transfer personal property. 

Don’t DIY It 

If this sounds confusing, that isn’t surprising. A major mistake that people make is thinking they can go onto a legal “DIY” website and write their own will or make changes. It is best to have an attorney help you. The law is tricky and the devil is in the details. 

II. Updating Your Estate Plan

The Rule of Thumb 

The rule of thumb for updating an estate plan and/or will is to do so every three to five years. The thinking is that, in that time frame, there has likely been at least one or two life changes that might require you to take another look. However, there are other times you should update outside of that “3 to 5” framework.

Other Times to Update 

If you go through a major life change or add new members to the family, you should update your will and estate plan to reflect those. These changes can include divorce, remarriage, new babies and other new family members, or changes in health circumstances. You never know what life will throw at you, so it’s best not to stick to the “3 to 5” rule too stringently. 

What to Update First

These are just suggestions, but it might be wise to update documents that have to do with your kids or health first. Think about what you prioritize and work backwards from there. If you have a complicated estate plan with a lot of documents, updating/reviewing may be a multi-day undertaking. 

Though the rule of thumb says to update your will and estate plan every three to five years, that’s not mandatory. If you’re undergoing a major life change, you should update. Above all, make sure to contact an estate planning attorney to ensure that the process is carried out correctly. 

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