May is a month that often makes us think about birth and renewal.  April showers bring May flowers and Mother’s Day reminds us about nurturing, springtime and babies being born.  However, with Mother’s Day behind us, we can once again focus on death.


If you answered yes, I can discern two other facts.  First, you either have a mother now or had a mother at one time in the past.  Second, you will die.

There are only two certainties in life…

Death and reality shows about hoarding.  I bet you thought I was going to say Death and Taxes but the truth is that estate taxes can be eliminated with some basic foundational estate planning techniques.  A Bypass Trust can double a married couple’s estate tax exemption amount and life insurance owned by an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust can take care of the rest, in most situations.  There are also ways to use Investment Trusts, Qualified Personal Residence Trusts, gifting and planned giving techniques for exceptionally high estates.  Fortunately for my wife, the Probate Code says nothing about how to reduce the amount of reality shows about hoarding. 

For more information on successful Florida estate planning and probate techniques, please contact the South Florida law firm of Wild Felice & Pardo, P.A. at 954-944-2855 or via email at to schedule your free consultation.  It’s a Wild world.  Are you protected?