Have you heard the story of the 81-year- old grandmother from Norfolk, England who has the words “Do Not Resuscitate” tattooed across her chest in big blue capital letters? She may have fared better visiting a South Florida Estate Planning Attorney but to make sure her wishes are fulfilled in the event paramedics find her face down, she even has “PTO” and an arrow inked on her back. Joy Tomkins claims, “I don’t want to lie for hours, months or even years before dying. I do not want to end up as a vegetable. I don’t want my family to remember me as a lump. That is why I got the tattoo.” She emphasizes that, “I don’t have a death wish I just don’t want to be kept alive in pain.” However, a General Medical Council spokesman maintains that most doctors would ignore her tattoo. Writing on your body is not the same as a legally enforceable writing on paper to justify a doctor making such a decision during an emergency. Such wishes need to be put in writing and witnessed. Otherwise, a health surrogate needs to be designated.
Our Florida elders are not the only ones who should be concerned about one of the most important decisions in life, healthcare. We all do. To iron out any possible confusion, it’s important to have a Living Will prepared. This legally enforceable document ensures that a person’s wishes surrounding life-prolonging procedures are fulfilled. You are the pilot of your own destiny. There is nothing more set in stone then seeking a well-qualified attorney to bind your wishes onto paper to guarantee they will be fully executed.
Whether you are seeking to draft a Living Will, HIPAA Release, Designation of Health Care Surrogate, or Durable Power of Attorney, it’s important to do it today. You never know when life might throw you in a situation where you actually undergo resuscitation. You might become incapacitated and unable to make decisions for yourself. Since your fate lies in your own hands you want to decide who can make medical decisions for you, who can view your medical records, and if you must be kept alive artificially.
For more information on successful Florida estate planning and probate, please contact the South Florida law firm of Wild Felice & Pardo, P.A. at 954-944-2855 or via email at info@wfplaw.com to schedule your free consultation.
It’s a Wild world. Are you protected?