David Milch, celebrated the premiere of his new television series called ‘Luck’ which aired on January 29, 2012. The screenwriter and producer was first introduced to the sport of horse racing and the art of gambling when he was just a young boy of 6 years in Saratoga Springs, New York. But his father didn’t let his tender age stop all the fun. A deal was struck with a local waiter at the horse track to run Milch’s bets. This led to an unexpected gambling addiction and later to a show about horse races and wagers.
Many us of us don’t realize that every day we are gambling with our lives, and worse yet, our families’ lives. We hardly stop to think about our ticking life clocks, let alone even attempt to face the reality that one day we will all die. After all, the death rate in Florida is 100%. It is unlikely this statistic will budge any time soon. Therefore, it is vital that we all start thinking about our estate plans for the sake of our loved ones before it is too late. It’s a scary thought that only less than half of all Florida residents have one in place. Don’t fall victim to the misconception that you are too young or not wealthy enough to worry about it. You need to worry about it. South Florida estate planning is rarely about the money. It’s about the protection of your loved ones.
Don’t place a dangerous wager on your life or the lives of your loved ones. Not scheduling a free consultation with a highly qualified and experienced South Florida Attorney is like betting a Pick 6. Your chances of winning are impossible. When it comes to life, the key is in the planning process. After all, when was the last time lady luck was by your side?
For more information on successful Florida estate planning and probate techniques, please contact the South Florida law firm of Wild Felice & Partners, P.A. at 954-944-2855 or via email at info@wfplaw.com to schedule your free consultation.
It’s a Wild world. Are you protected?